Jugendsieger Brandenburg
Gulliver von der Hollen-Hardt
HD A/B, ED 0/0 |
Poolstead Present Day
HD A, ED 0 |
Poolstead Plan of Action
hips 6/5 |
Poolstead Pre Eminent
hips 6/6 |
Poolstead Prestige
hips 4/3 |
Poolstead Polly´s Secreet
hips 7/7 |
Poolstead Pocket Picker
hips 6/8 |
ShCh. Poolstead Pineapple
hips 7/10 |
Dt.Jgd Ch. Jgd Sieger NRW´99
Sieger Brandenburg ´01
Briana von der Hollen-Hardt
HD B, ED 0 |
Ingmos Baron De Ley
HD B, ED 0/0 |
Ch.Foxrush Pinnocchio |
Ingmos Asca |
Charlyn von Bismarck
HD A, ED 0 |
Sir Robin of Rembo |
Lady Aiky II Alice of Rembo´s Junior´s |
Attikonak Q T Pie
HD B, ED 0/0 |
Waterbrook Wild Smoke
HD B, ED 0/0 |
Top Sir Rocheby Old Smokey
hips 6/7 |
GB FTCh. Rocheby Navy Blue |
GB SHCh. Rocheby Polkadot |
Waterbrook Morning Breeze
hips 7/8 |
Poolstead Pretentious at Rocheby |
Morning Light over Waterbrook |
Attikonak Queen´s English
HD A, ED 0/0 |
Poolstead Pumpkin
Hhips 6/6 |
GBCh. Slaane Ranger at Bulgenen |
GBSHCh. Poolstead Pipe Dreamer |
Attikonak Ricotta
HD B |
Poolstead Parmesan |
Attikonak Don´t Mess with Dynamite |